Christchurch’s fibre broadband services provider, Enable, has finished its financial year with over 50,000 customers connected to and enjoying the benefits of fibre broadband.
“Christchurch and the surrounding towns continue to embrace fibre broadband at a tremendous rate, much more than we ever anticipated,” says Enable CEO, Steve Fuller. “One in three of those that can get our services are now connected.”
Over 24,000 local families, businesses, schools and community service providers across Christchurch Rolleston, Lincoln, Prebbleton, Templeton, Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Woodend have made the fibre broadband switch in the last 12 months, and are now reaping the benefits of unrivalled fibre broadband performance and reliability that simply works all the time.
“We’ve connected about 100 customers to fibre every business day – about 50 percent more than we thought we would connect at peak uptake rates. This translates into tens of thousands more people in our community getting home or to work and enjoying the best internet experience,” adds Mr Fuller.
“We know that our customers use their fibre broadband connection for many, many things – some examples include accessing online entertainment, connecting with friends and families, reaching new customers or learning in new ways. The common theme amongst our customers is that they do not want to be restricted by their broadband service – and a fibre broadband service will always perform exceptionally well because it is very reliable and ultra-fast.”
Throughout Enable’s financial year ending 30 June 2017, there was a significant increase in the number of businesses connecting to fibre broadband. Enable now has 6,240 business connections which is an increase of 2,142 in a year.
“It’s hugely positive that businesses are recognising that fibre broadband can make a difference to their productivity, market expansion, profitability or how easily they can do business regardless of what kind of business they are or how big they are,” says Mr Fuller.
“The availability and adoption of fibre broadband in Christchurch is well ahead of most of the world. This means there is a genuine opportunity for Christchurch businesses to gain competitive advantage, and innovate and grow - and for providers to find new ways to deliver services to our community. Fibre broadband is an important enabler of Christchurch’s economic and social growth.”
Enable is now about 85 percent of the way through its network build – with well over 150,000 homes and businesses able to connect. It is launching its fibre broadband services in new Christchurch suburbs and streets every month as it works to complete the network before the end of 2018 – well ahead of schedule.
Some local towns and Christchurch suburbs continue to embrace fibre broadband at a truly remarkable rate – with Rolleston continuing to lead the way.
“We have well over 4,000 homes and businesses connected in Rolleston – that’s about 70 percent of the community – presenting a strong case for Rolleston being the most connected community in New Zealand. If someone lives in Rolleston and are not connected, both their neighbours will be and are now enjoying the best, ultra-fast, super reliable broadband service.”
Enable’s top ten suburbs for fibre broadband uptake
1 Rolleston 69%
2 Wigram 67%
3 Halswell 57%
4 Lincoln 55%
5 Harewood 52%
6 Burnside 51%
7 Casebrook 47%
8 Bryndwr 47%
9 Bishopdale 44%
10 Redwood 43%
For a high resolution version of Enable’s fibre broadband coverage map or for further comment please contact:
Daniel Herd
Strategic Communications Manager
027 694 3574