Builders or developers
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Builders or developers
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Installation PDFs
The best in the business doesn't compromise
How Enable brings fibre from the street to your home
Keeping in touch with family and friends overseas
Cyber Smart Week is here – Brought to you by CERT
Planning on moving homes?
Email Communications from Enable
Social media tips for parents
Salinda's tips for protecting your data online
Our advice to businesses
Our top tips for working from the “home office"
How cleaning our cabinets has a positive impact in our community
What you need to know about cyber bullying
Cyber Security Week
2022 wrapped up
Becoming a Certified B Corporation
Building a Digital Haven: Ōtautahi-Christchurch's Fibre Broadband Future
Defending yourself in the age of AI-enhanced phishing scams
Uncapped learning potential - Rangiora New Life School
Support for rural and remote areas with no or poor internet connectivity
Enable fibre broadband and why it can carry you through the Christmas period
We’re excited to let you know we've moved into the City
Here's what you need to know about the copper withdrawal
Making the most of your Enable fibre broadband connection
When there’s a problem online – who do you call?
Enable fibre broadband has begun the installation of solar panels
Fibre broadband superior during winter
Four things you can do to up your cyber security game
Keeping yourself safe when shopping online
Introducing Generation Fibre (Gen F)
Christmas has come early
Going on holiday? Think again before sharing your itinerary online
Five reasons to shift your business to the cloud
Phishing - what is it and how do I protect myself?
What broadband plan should I order?
What can we expect in the future of digital?
Irish movies available to stream in NZ
Your people are your greatest asset when embracing new technology
How to stay friends with the social media over-sharer
Getting your rented flat connected to fibre broadband
"The best project I've ever worked on"
How to prepare for a Plan Appointment with Enable technicians
World Emoji Day - and the new Emojis
Online consent forms are here
Fibre broadband installation - what to expect
Check out your online self and stay safe
Where’s a tech geek when you need one?
Fibre broadband: what landlords need to know
You don't have to sacrifice faster speeds for medical needs
Get password smart!
Three things you need to live stream the World Cup
How to: Chromecast, a step-by-step guide
New property access rules make connecting easier
Apps which make life easier
Video games and what you perhaps didn't know...
What is Augmented Reality?
Heard of Tik Tok? Well here is some information you perhaps didn’t know
Thinking about permanent flexible working for your business?
A day in the life of a fibre ambassador
Make sure you're on the best broadband connection this winter
Keeping it real online: Why it’s important
Fibre is best when working from home
Experiencing connection issues?
How to test your fibre broadband speed
Step up your cyber defence and stay safe from cyber attacks
Great news for tenants of residential rental properties
Protect yourself from common online scams
Canterbury Tech Summit 2023: A Deep Dive into the Future of Technology
Let’s get cyber-savvy: Tips for fibre broadband customers
Help Centre / Our Network
End user terms
Delivering world-class connectivity for New Zealand
Network relocation
Variations to the reference offer
News & media
Rolleston leading the way
Enable set to deliver fibre broadband to digitally excluded Christchurch school children
120,000 Christchurch customers are benefitting from fibre broadband speeds and performance as pandemic highlights need
90,000 greater Christchurch fibre broadband customers set for faster speeds
Christchurch fibre broadband company Enable to power up their solar efforts
Internet user big or small, fibre broadband is right for you
Fibre companies respond to demand for even faster broadband at a great price
Enable announces $260M contract to build Christchurch fibre network
Christchurch Schools Fibre Network Leads NZ
CCHL release: Director Appointments
Fibre broadband roll-out to Rangiora now complete
Enable launches new partnership with The Chamber to help CHCH businesses ‘get digital’
Enable announces fully fibred Kaiapoi – as Rangiora seizes fibre broadband opportunity
Fibre broadband available to 10,000 more Christchurch homes – in time for connection by Christmas
Enable and TUANZ partner to develop future technology leaders in Canterbury
Enable doubles fibre broadband speeds celebrating completion of network across greater Christchurch
Enable aims to end 2018 with 90,000 fibre broadband customers
Rolleston, Wigram and Harewood lead Christchurch fibre broadband uptake with over 70 percent
Enable urges Christchurch families to connect to fibre in time for the Rugby World Cup
100,000 customers are now connected to Enable’s Christchurch fibre broadband network
Enable releases draft unbundled fibre pricing
Fibre broadband installation slots filling fast as World Cup approaches
Enable sets sights on delivering greater value to Christchurch following its first net profit
Enable thanks Rolleston and Lincoln for highest national fibre uptake
Enable will maintain critical fibre broadband services through the lockdown
Investment in world-class fibre broadband pays off for the people of Christchurch
Enable places hold on all wholesale fibre broadband price increases and offers free suspension option for business services
Enable to resume fibre broadband connection activity under Alert Level 3
Enable is bringing forward its first dividend in support of Christchurch City
CEO to retire after leading Enable since 2007
Enable and ŌCHT Plan to Eliminate Digital Inequity for Christchurch Community Housing Tenants.
Enable pays $18 million dividend – its first to the Christchurch community
Enable is bringing Hyperfibre to Christchurch’s CBD – and with it a broadband future 300 times faster than fixed wireless
Enable appoints Johnathan Eele as its new Chief Executive
Record use of Enable fibre broadband through COVID-19 lockdown
Green fibre - Research confirms fibre is the greenest broadband technology
World-class free Wi-Fi is coming to Christchurch City
World-class free Wi-Fi launched in Christchurch city centre
2022 wrapped up
ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix Live Site
Enable is now a Certified B Corporation
Enable your connection
Connect to fibre
Extending our network
Connecting your business
What is the process for installing fibre at your business?
Futureproof your business
Connecting your home to fibre broadband
What is the process of installing fibre?
Stay connected with fibre
Builders, developers, and contractors
Developing multi-dwelling-units
Greenfields trench inspection
Building or renovating a home
FAQs - Fibre for business
Fibre in new subdivisions
Network webmap
Subdividing an existing property
For home
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FAQs - Fibre At Home
Maximising your fibre broadband
Setting up Fibre Broadband
About us
Leadership Team
End User Terms
Corporate publications
Complaints process
Network coverage map
Board of directors
Our network
Christchurch Free WiFi
Enable is committed to being a force for good
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Consents information
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Register for Hyperfibre updates
ConnectMe System Upgrade
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Customised connectivity registration
Useful Links
Fibre Install
Offers/Terms and Conditions
Self-trenching promotion
Customer satisfaction survey terms and conditions
Christchurch Free WiFi Terms & Conditions
Win a $100 eGift Card T&Cs
Network Extension Connection Offer